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Effects of pulse parameters on Gas Nitrocarburizing layer depth

Editor:    Date:2014-06-19 17:34:58    Views:5480

Pulse gas nitrocarburizing is in low vacuum and pulse amplitude (pressure and pressure difference), a new process to keep a certain time for chemical heat treatment, when the furnace pressure at low pressure, slit and hole in the atmosphere were forcibly discharged, red gas and forced to join the fresh gas gas exchange, can reach any part of the furnace, and the fan mixing, the atmosphere is very uniform, which can solve the small hole (micro), deep hole, blind hole parts layer inhomogeneous problem. Practice has proved, two pieces of sample are attached to each other, nitrocarburized tightly veneer with flat surface had no significant difference, so it may be in the production of the packing work, increasing the loading amount, improve the utilization rate of equipment.
Pulse gas nitrocarburizing pulse cycle by pumping air - air - pressure holding time, pumping and aeration time is relatively fixed, and the pressure holding time can be adjusted, the pulse period is longer, nitriding ability is weak. So the common regulating pressure holding time to adjust the nitriding ability. When the pulse cycle lengthened to a certain period of time, in the process of defining period, because the total amount of ammonia can lead to reduction of the Bai Liang layer disappeared, and even the basic loss of nitriding and decarbonization, therefore, can be used for adjusting the pulse cycle, control the phase structure of white layer and nitriding layer.

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